Well its February 3rd, the day after the big game and now it our crunch time! One month left. The tip starts in March 2nd.
There are mixed feeling of excitement, nervousness, a little fear, some peace, some PANIC and determination. I can tell the family is a little stressed, emotions as we contemplate the big change are understandably higher. Things get better as we nail down details. Ultimately we have come to peace with starting our travels when it starts. While we are all faithful that like the birds we too will be cared for, there is still an air of uncertainty. As we empty this giant place, we are still working out what exactly our new home will be. My kids are worried about their Lego and whether there will be enough space =). My wife is concerned with the “Domestic” side of things as she puts it food, cooking, sleeping arrangements, etc.. I have concerns about deadlines, finances, safety as we move forward. -warning long sentence – We all feel that, once we find the right RV, at the right and affordable price, that the banks feels is at the right and affordable price and for which we have the right down and affordable down payment, we will be able to breath a sigh of relief. Our feelings of uncertainty for our basic need for shelter will give way to more excitement for the trip.
The crunch: We have written our last rent check, sold some big items and we are still selling more. We are setting up our mailing address while we are gone and canceling services. It is time to post our project to kick starter, and get the rest of the house ready to sell (contents not location, we are renting). We need to Schedule and advertise the estate sale, make our final decisions and purchases for the trip, and … find an RV that will be our house for the next 9 months.
We are in Denver, that means there could be a 4ft blizzard on march 1, or 60 degrees and sunny. We will have to drive through the Mountains, and then head down to Moab, Just having the rig in Denver in Feb means we will need to make sure it is winter ready. As a first time RVer that means I will have to follow every little bit of advice and err on the side of caution. We will need to skirt, get heaters – we got rid of all of our space heaters 2 years ago, the pack rat in me reminds me- make heated hoses, run extension cords, test out all the equipment, get all the needed and recommended tools. I have to decide if we start the trip with a black water tank or go directly to composting toilet, and so on. I have to park it in one of the worst driveways I have ever used. I have to get it in and out of this driveway. Heck I have to go pick up the RV, be it in Texas, Colorado, New mexico or Utah.
All this in the shortest month of the year =) I really should stop typing and start doing.