

These 50 is project put on by Josh and Gail through Atkinson, LLC.  I, Josh, am an IT professional and my wife Gail is a student and stay at home mom. Recently some changes came around that allowed us to look at some additional projects. This is a good thing.  We have talked about doing something like this for years, and more specifically put the project on the consider list last summer.  This November things began to align and by December we decided to go for it.  Realizing our time was short we jumped in with both feet to get started.

2013-06-16 18.00.57You have seen the tag line These 50 – a family of four sells everything to visit the United States – that’s the big picture. We are vising major landmarks and historical events as-well-as some popular cities and some not so well know places. We have several stops where the intent will be to simply explore and find out what we can about the city. We have event days and itineraries that run us all over the area.  We will walk / hike/ bike to get around most places, but we realize that not every location is as compact as Denver.  A good part of trip is “We Will See”, we’ll see what the locals say, we’ll see what the internet says, and we’ll see what it’s like.

We are hitting the road as a family.  Our two boys are MiKael our youngest and Zander our oldest, 8 and 9 at the start of this journey (now 9 and 10).  We have two cats Consuela and Figaro – orphaned babies we discovered under our porch and, at my initial objection, raised for adoption; then adopted our selves. The big We, Josh (me)  and Gail (my wife) will heading up the adventure. As you read through these pages you will notice that both Gail and I are writing on this blog.

More information about our new life style: After all this is a change in lifestyle not vacation. No matter how temporary it is our lives are not on hold while we travel, we are living them day to day.

While on the road we will all be in school. Our boys are home schooled and working with a mixed online offline curriculum. My wife is attending classes at Metropolitan State University of Denver and pursuing a Bachelors of science in Adult Fitness and Exercise Science program and will be completing her last available online classes. I am working on my 2nd masters degree. We will use YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other social media to document our journey. (I’m not exactly a social media user so I am investing a lot of time in these platforms.) These platforms will help lay the groundwork for future projects. While we expected this trip to take about 6 months, we are seeing that the time involvement and impact will last significantly longer!

The question at hand is how much of what little you have would you give to gail that which you could never have known otherwise?

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