We decided the night before that would make an effort to enter the legoland costume contest as legos. After about 12 hours of work, over the course of an evening and a morning the costumes were done. We could have spend more time and money on these but it just wasn’t an option after all we didn’t even know the contest was open this early!
We entered Bad Cop (Zander) and Emmet (MiKael) into the Legoland California Costume contest. While we did not win. The boys had an amazing time! There were 3 very deserving high quality costumes that won. I feel like if they weren’t there we had a chance, but they were the clear cut winners from the beginning. All that aside I think it was a dream come true for our boys to be legos in Legoland for a night.
I can’t count the times we were stopped by parents who liked the costumes or by kids who were so amazed to see Emmet and Bad Cop in real life, their size and even ask for pictures. For me while winning would have been nice, but it was far more rewarding to hear kids in the crowd randomly yell out “Emmet!” or “Bad Cop” and run up to the boys for handshakes or claw (fist) bumps. Especially the little ones who would shyly hide but couldn’t look away from their heros.
The boys also handled themselves fantastically. They were happy for the winners, even though a little disappointed they didn’t win the giant lego sets or the night at in a legoland hotel. While in costume MiK hammed it up by playing the role of Emmet for all the amazed kids that came up to him. I’m not sure we could have had a better night at legoland!
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